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Showing posts from December, 2010

The Mountain's love with Cloud.

" We started to love at spring. Her skin was milky white. She flied on me and played on me. It was cool and I saw she sprinkled drizzle on me. My peaks were lush and green. I wore a new dress of rainbow and flowers. It was a heaven. But jealousy wind came and scared us. He took her away. The Sun came now and burned me. It burnt all over as a fire. I was the highest on earth, but could not find her. My heart were torn to pieces.It was dry everywhere. One day she came flying high. Ah! she has escaped from her father. I quickly hid her behind my rocks from his sight. It seemed she was beaten to black and blue. I became angry and dark. Rumble and roar her father came. We had a fight. I defended and he attacked. I stopped him to my might. He hit like thunder and strike were lightning. It was scary. The wind came and added strength to him. But I stopped him and there was no way to escape. He could fight no more He became pale and weak. He accepted his defeat and It was a victory. We got